Saturday 16 May 2015

The Ringing Rock of Basara

Basara (or Basar) is a small town on the state of Telangana in India that is popularly associated with the Gnana Saraswati Temple where many come as a pilgrimage to pay homage to the Goddess of Learning, Saraswati.

However, the town also has another quaint attraction that is less known to outsiders, but a source of pride and joy to the locals; and they will quickly and proudly point out to you the location of their village's Magical Rock or Ringing Rock, which is located near the town's bus station.

The Sounding/Ringing Rock of Basara - the locals are quick to show you where to strike the rock to get
the best ringing tone from the rock

The Veda Shilaa is surrounded by a fence, and there
are houses nearby the site. A friendly goatherd or
local farmer may come to your assistance in
helping you 'ring' the rock.
This rock, called Veda Shilaa or Sri Vedavathi Shila, is what you would call a sounding or ringing rock. Ringing rocks have the peculiar characteristics of producing a resonate sound like a bell or metal bowl being struck.

The Ringing Rock of Basara has a sort of a hollow metallic ring when struck with pebbles, sounding almost like a cowbell being hit, except with a bit more resonate tone, especially when the listener is on the opposite side of the struck surface.

So if you are around Basara, and temples are not the thing for you, try making a tune out of the Ringing Rock of Basara.

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